Real estate is a competitive market. Finding the ideal property to invest in or own can prove to be difficult. So when you finally spot property that checks all of your boxes, you don’t want to wait too long before taking action.
However, sometimes, key details are not readily available, preventing you from moving forward. In the absence of a responsive listing agent or seller, Forbes Real Estate Council members shared the best approach or resource for finding out who to contact for further information. Here’s what they said:
Members share some ways you can locate property agents or owners.
Photos courtesy of the individual members.
1. County Tax Assessor
The county tax assessor’s office is a good place to start if you are trying to identify the current owner of a particular property. The name and mailing address of the party responsible for paying ad valorem taxes are readily available and are considered public records. Many counties offer tax assessment information online, making this data even easier to ascertain. – Amy Niesen, Land Title Company of Alabama
2. Title Company
Request a property profile from a local title company. It will include the seller, mailing address, back taxes and plat map. More information could be zoning, aerial and a flood zone map. In the letter to that owner, explain your interest and that you would be happy to talk to them or work with their agent, as the agent may be a friend or family member, or the seller may not want direct contact. – Jessica Pankratz, Town & Country Realty
3. Parcel Map
Be patient enough to allow the listing agent or seller time to get back to you. If the information is really key, they will know it needs to be provided to any interested buyer. One great way to hold you over while waiting is to review the information you can access from a title report or the parcel map of the property. – Beatrice de Jong, Open Listings (YC W15)
4. City Building Information System
Honestly, I can’t imagine such a scenario in Manhattan. Yes, you should pursue the hot lead and find the information about that hot building. City Building Information System may help, but my general advice is to not develop a fixation on any single real property. This is dangerous because you may act on emotion and disregard warning signs. – Elliot Bogod, Broadway Realty
5. Your Own Realtor
With the ease of most things being electronic today, it’s easy to forget about the power in writing. The mailing address for contacting the owner is usually available to the public, or at very least, real estate agents. If you can’t find this information, your realtor should be able to. From there, you or your realtor can send the owner a request for more information. – Christopher Lazarus, Sellect Realty
6. SMART Suite
Public county records, Google and skip tracing services can all help dig up owner contact information. Tools like SMART Suite can be used to find properties that match your criteria and owner contact information simultaneously. Hopefully, investors can also graduate to hiring acquisition associates to screen, skip trace and begin the offer process to help maximize your time. – Kent Clothier, Real Estate Worldwide
7. Your Town’s Geographic Information System
If a listing agent is unresponsive, run a web search with the town name and GIS. Generally, those maps link to the town assessor’s office and you will find an owner’s name. If it’s an LLC, look up the principal’s name at the secretary of your state website and reach out. Non-responsive agents created tech demand, so use it. – Kristin Geenty, The Geenty Group, Realtors
8. Google Or Use Social Media
Start with the county assessor to get the PIN, then take that to the county recorder to get the owner. Search the owner on Google to see if you can get a phone number or email, if not then try LinkedIn and Facebook to send them a message. If that doesn’t work, search the owner on something like LexisNexis to get better contact info. If that still doesn’t work, write a letter or knock on the door. – Marc Rutzen, Enodo
9. Patience
If you’re dealing with the listing agent, be patient. Many times, it takes the agent some time to collect all the necessary data in order for you to make an offer. Your relationship with the listing agent/broker is important. Give them a list of what you still need and let them work with the seller. – Scott Morongell, Morongell Capital