Canadian Entrepreneur with Global Invest, on a mission to help people invest in real estate to create generational wealth.
For months now, you have been saving money and have finally managed to achieve your goal amount. Now, your entrepreneurial spirit is driving you to invest this sum. Yet you are unwilling to venture into anything unless you are sure that this investment will pay off. You are attentive to all opportunities and do not want to do anything randomly. So, how do you invest?
Whether you choose real estate or e-commerce, you can maximize your investment by making the right decisions. Therefore, in this article, I will provide you with some trendy investment ideas to consider and considerations to make beforehand.
Training Saves You From Disillusionment
The biggest mistake that I find most investors make is investing without going through a training experience. It may not have any immediate long-term consequences, but it usually ends up on a bitter note.
In gambling, such a move can be acceptable, but when it comes to investing, it can be detrimental. For example, if you decide to invest $10,000 in real estate without prior training, your losses can amount to more than what you put in, thereby affecting you and your financial capacity as well as jeopardizing any chance to get a bank loan.
Training is vital for an investor. This is why I serve as chairman of the board of directors for a company that offers investment training programs. I don’t advise any future investor to venture into the unknown without prior training.
I recommend deducting a portion from your capital just to purchase books and attend training seminars related to your chosen sector. Training will help you understand the principles of wealth creation, as well as the technical and psychological basis for success. Podcasts and YouTube content are also alternatives you may consider.
Look Into Enrolling In A Coaching Course
Search for coaching courses locally or on the internet. Someone who has more experience than you, and who has already done a number of investments, will be able to advise you more easily and guide you in your choices. In some cases, your coach may take action on your behalf — but make sure there is no conflict of interest.
In real estate, a high-caliber coach with experience can give you tips on how to make your property investment profitable and may also show you how to legally minimize your taxes for a number of years. In addition, a coach may even be able to teach you strategies to invest in real estate without cash, as well as how to make smart moves.
In Which Sectors Should You Invest?
Once you have completed your training, you will be ready to invest. But in which sector? Real estate, the stock market, e-commerce and others should all be explored.
Real Estate:
To make your capital grow, consider investing in a rental property, a garage or a warehouse. These investment options are low risk and offer the possibility to achieve returns quickly. However, you should keep in mind the fact that smaller investments will not be enough to build up a substantial portfolio.
It’s worth researching the investment opportunity with a real estate investment trust (société civile de placements immobiliers). Once you buy shares in rental contracts, it’s the real estate investment trust’s responsibility to identify and purchase properties as well as find tenants.
I find that some people are still reluctant to invest in online business, often because of misconceptions. However, investing in dropshipping is a great opportunity to look into, as dropshipping is currently trending.
The advantage of dropshipping is that once you set up your online shop, the rest of the work is done by your suppliers. Secondly, you don’t need a hefty sum of money to get set up with a website, a YouTube channel, etc.
Stock Market:
Investing in stocks can pay off in the long run. It is very important to have a strategy to target the sectors that are on the rise and make a profit on the stock market. The first thing to do is to open a stock savings plan, which will enable you to invest in securities.
Although the stock market is full of possibilities, you should not lose sight of the fact that it does present significant risks. Therefore, it is best to diversify your investment and not invest everything at once. Here, the logic of progressivity in the most listed securities is highly recommended.
Car Parks:
Investing in a car park may be considered unreasonable, but I’ve found it can be successful. Investing in parking spaces is an interesting opportunity because rental costs are often high in big cities like Paris and Montreal.
If tenants are slow in presenting themselves, consider running an advertisement online. Perhaps the best thing about parking spaces is that you don’t have to worry about maintenance expenses.
Forbes Real Estate Council is an invitation-only community for executives in the real estate industry. Do I qualify?