Qualified Opportunity Zones: Your 180-Day Clock Isn’t What You Think It Is
One hundred eighty days may seem straightforward, but it’s important for investors to know that it might not be if your gains are from the sale of Section 1231 property. …
One hundred eighty days may seem straightforward, but it’s important for investors to know that it might not be if your gains are from the sale of Section 1231 property. …
It’s the beginning of the year — time for a proptech resolution for CRE. …
Read five actionable steps business leaders can take to reevaluate their open office thinking and create a truly successful ABW workspace. …
Homes should serve as havens that shield owners from both the stresses of modern life and the headaches of construction. …
As we embark on 2020, many new business owners are contemplating how to start on a strong foot, while more established organizations explore ways to improve operations and find sustainable cost efficiencies. …
Seeing opportunity in the ashes, Nikki Pechet set out to re-invent home building with software designed to cut the delays and cost overruns that plague the industry. …
The recognizable brand, with the colorful graphics depicting the most charismatic, fun-loving and friendly badgers, is committing to onsite renewable energy. …
In Century City, an amenity-filled townhouse once owned by late TV host Merv Griffin is up for grabs at $3.25 million. …
After surveying 43 home design experts, Fixr has published the results of its annual color study. …
Quarters has announced two new sites in Fort Greene and Williamsburg. …