Return To Work Is Driving Up Demand For Certain Types Of Office Space In Some Cities
The shift from remote to in-person work varies by industry, city, submarket, and building. Some markets have higher return to office rates than others. …
The shift from remote to in-person work varies by industry, city, submarket, and building. Some markets have higher return to office rates than others. …
How a retired Pennsylvania couple changed the lives of hundreds of struggling families by appealing the inflated real estate tax assessments on their mobile homes. …
With items for the bedroom, living room and tabletop—this vibrant collaboration instantly updates your home for summer. …
The Los Feliz home Walt Disney dreamed up for his wife and two daughters can be yours to rent — for $40,000 per month, that is. …
Cutting-edge building amenities have given way to amenities that enhance both work-from-home and social capabilities within newer multifamily buildings. …
Suppose that you sue (or threaten to sue) your landlord and are about to collect a settlement. You might end up paying taxes on all of it, even on your legal fees. …
After years of dawdling by L.A. on the use of public land for homeless housing, an urban planner hired by the Committee for Greater L.A. has vetted thousands of government-owned parcels and come up with a…
Barrington Plaza residents sue the complex’s owners over alleged misuse of eviction law. Advocates worry that mass evictions across L.A. could result….
With Arizona having the highest percentage of inbound moves for the last two years, these new development projects have become essential for combating a strained supply. …
Because the 22-room home had been completely gutted, Ecko eyed it like a painter itching to fill a canvas. …