Citiscape utilizes New York City’s Open Data laws in an app that project manages architectural projects as well as the Department of Buildings and Environmental Control board issues that come along.
Evolution in tech has consistently and constantly moved design forward—be it in fashion, furniture, or architecture. It’s led to things like innovation, increased production capacity and the ability to simply do the job better.
Seeing the opportunity with New York’s newest Open Data policies, the founders of the Citiscape app have created a platform for architects (and builders and residents alike) to speed up what has historically been one of the more grueling parts of the architecture game: the project management, particularly as it applies to codes, complaints, and statuses within the Department of Buildings and The Environmental Control Board.
The app’s COO, Olga Khaykina, believes the platform’s biggest strength is the simplicity it brings to an area of architecture and development that is an administrative burden for most.
“We made DOB and ECB just one tap away,” said Khaykina in an article. “You’re one tap away from instant and accurate updates and alerts from the DOB that will keep you informed about any changes to an ongoing project. One tap away from organized and cloud-saved projects, including accessible and coordinated interaction with all team members through our in-app messenger. And one tap away from uncovering technical information about any building in NYC, just by entering its address.”
New York has always been a city that’s championed openness and transparency and there’s a long history of policies that force accountability from the government and other entities, even if the amount or type of information provided was relegated to very specific requests. This commitment to open information dates back 100 years or so, but in 2012, former Mayor Bloomberg took it to the next level and passed the Open Data Law which meant “all public City data be made available online by the end of 2018.” The current mayor De Blasio has taken it a step further with a more inclusive Open Data program with Open Data for All, with the idea that Open Data is an opportunity for civic engagement.
“Open Data in New York City owes to a century-long local tradition of pioneering civil society protections. It’s clearer than ever that protocols for how digital information is shared with the public underpin a tradition of participatory public life in New York City,” said New York City’s, Chief Analytics Officer Dr. Amen Ra Mashariki in a statement. Dr. Mashariki has also said, “Our vision of Open Data for All — the idea that Open Data belongs to New Yorkers — naturally followed from the fact that elected officials, via the constituents they represent, were so committed to this idea that they added it to the administrative code.”
While Citiscape was created for those in the business of putting up buildings in New York, its uses can also be applied to non-architects and non-builders alike. Anyone can use Citiscape to access information, project manage their own residential renovation project or research permits and complaints in buildings in which they live or are thinking to purchase property.